Natural Nabulsi Olive Oil Soaps

Natural Nabulsi Olive Oil Soaps


From a Palestinian city in the Holy Land called: Nablus. This natural organic olive oil soap has been made in Nablus since 1880.

  1. Ingredients are mixed in a large vat over low heat for approximately five days, before the mixture is poured over a large floor space.

  2. Afterward, hand cut the soap into individual blocks, then stamped with the traditional seal of the factory of production.

  3. Stacked in geometric towers which allow for air circulation that assists in the drying process. The towering pyramids of soap climb to heights of over eight feet, and line the halls of the factory’s drying room for a period of between ten and thirty days.  

  4. They can be hand packaged.
    so please note that the soaps are hand cut and not molded. Therefore each bar will not be a uniform weight and size.

size: H: 5 cm D: 7.5cm
Quantity: 5

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